Programs are temporarily ON HOLD due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please check back often for any updates or reach out to us directly:

The following are our plans for future programs that will drive our Mission:

Support (A4AA’s short-term goals)

  • Scholarships for athletes with Autism who wish to further their education 

  • Autism Awareness Family nights at local sporting events - Provide families with low cost/free tickets to attend games. We will provide noise cancelling headphones and/or indoor sunglasses for those who may need them

  • “Sensory Break Rooms” for families who may need to take a break from the sensory overload that happens at sporting events

  • Grants for Special Education Schools & Organizations:

    • Schools or organizations providing autism-specific services may apply for financial assistance to expand or improve physical education equipment, recess equipment, or sporting equipment.

Hope (A4AA’s long-term goals)

  • Organize and operate sports and recreational activities for those impacted by autism (specifically in communities that do not offer any).

  • Provide an indoor recreation facility that focuses on building strength and confidence in children and adults with autism.

FUNdraising (How A4AA supports our goals)